Monday, May 1, 2017

After Effects

Vicki and I are struggling today. We worked two days in the RV this weekend. Our son that helped last weekend had his 13th Wedding Anniversary this Saturday, so we did what we could on our own. 

Still, some progress was made and some questions answered (it's surprising all the things you have to know about your RV) and some new ones asked. I'm taking the unit to get it's two front tires changed and balanced tomorrow. Then later in the week or maybe next week to another place to get it aligned. 

In the meantime we are officially on medicare as of today. I learned that Cancer Centers of America doesn't take medicare patients when I called to check today. 
I am looking at what options are available to me if I decide to change providers, if indeed I can change.

There are other oncology and cancer providers in Phoenix. I will talk to as many as I can find. 

We will have a talk with my oncologist this Friday about treatment without Chemo. Maybe even a clinical trial. Who knows.

This will be another busy week I suppose.

I hope yours is more  calm.


1 comment:

Jack E said...

Easy McMims - One day at a time.............