Saturday, May 6, 2017

Chemo? No thanks!

As you may have guessed from the title, I did not have chemo this week, nor will I have it for the next 3 weeks. My Oncologist thinks it possible that the two small new tumors that showed up in my last CT scan could be inflammatory and not cancer. Either way they are very small, 4 to 5 mm. 

So he agreed with me to stop chemo for a while. I told him I am just too tired and sick to function and I need to function. 

At the end of the 3 weeks he wants me to start on a pill call Stivarga. The reviews I have read on it are not good. Many complain of heavy side effects with no progress on suppressing or killing the cancer. A couple however did report good results. I will continue research for the next 3 weeks and then make my decision.

I do not want any Chemo if I can help it, not infusion or pill. The poisons in the drugs are waring me out. At my age I need something that builds me up not tears me down. After a while I begin to feel like a guinea pig. At this point I believe I've been given about every drug recommended for colon cancer. 

In the meantime I will continue working on the RV. I have an RV tech coming to look at it on the 15th and I'm taking it to Spectrac for alignment on the 16th. We had to cancel our reservation at Buckskin Park for the 15th and 16th. I just couldn't get all the work I needed done in time.

I remain hopeful we will finish the renovations on our rolling home and hit the road sometime this summer.

Here's to you having a great summer.



Jack E said...

McMims - I am "friends" with Dick Knights (I know you must remember him from Marlor Homes) on FaceBook. He's a really good guy. He says to tell you hi!

Keep up the fight good buddy!

Richard said...

Tell Dick thanks and I hope he is doing well.