Friday, December 24, 2010

Twas the Night Before

Well, here it is. We made it to Christmas Eve in one piece. It hasn't been all that easy this year. Vicki's diagnosis of cancer in August has dominated our lives since that day she had surgery and the tests from the biopsy came back positive.

We've been fortunate that she's received the best care possible, though recently her Chemo guy has pissed me off. She has had two times now that her white cell count has been so low she couldn't take her chemo. This last Monday she failed her blood test again and came down with a nasty lung infection. I thought we were going to have to admit her for pneumonia, but the chest x-ray came back OK. She's been on a strong antibiotic and coughing up junk all week, but today she is much better.

We now know that the celebration of our anniversary where we were out and about among hundreds of people led to her infection. She just can't be around a lot of people with her immune system so weak.

Still, we are happy to be together this Christmas, to have the love and support of family and friends during this time of our lives and thankful for all the good things God has bestowed upon us.

So here's my Christmas offering for all you yuletide revelers:

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the valley
Bikers were out at some Harley rally

And Turkeys were fried and baked and roasted
While holiday celebrants were getting toasted

Old Codgers played golf and shot for the green
dodging the Ducks and Geese on the scene

The freeways ran smoothly at least for a while
till you came to an exit where stores sold high style

And our children prepared for Santa's coming
While father's struggled with overloaded plumbing

Cause our families come together at this time of year
causing some anxiety, confusion and fear

But it's still a great time if you hang on tight
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night

Peace and God's Blessings to you this Christmas,


Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Funnies and not so Funnies

My best friend Jack sent me an e-mail claiming to be me on you tube. The clip was an interview with an Irishman concerning his opinion of what were the root causes of the recession. The gentleman is both profane and profound. Enjoy.

John Stewart speaks to Obama's dissatisfaction with the American Public. As usual it's funny and poignant. Not much more to say about this. Here's the link .

That's all I've got on the humorous side. Here's a link to Christopher Hitchens (not a guy I can say I like or often agree with, but this time he's right on. Read him here.

OK, that's pretty much it for me this week. I am supremely happy it's Friday. My immediate supervisor (in front of his boss) in our team meeting today asked me if I liked my job. I told him NO I did not. He then asked me why I was still there even though he knows very well I need the insurance for Vicki's Cancer treatments. This guy tries to be a bully and intimidate folks, but in this case he just came off as being a jerk.

Hope your weekend is fantastic. Remember there's still 14 shopping days till Christmas. So get out there and stimulate our economy if you can afford to do so. Regardless, take a minute and contemplate the true meaning of this most precious Christian Holiday. For those of us who believe it's time to celebrate the birth of the World's Saviour. Not a bad reason to sing with joy if you've got it in you'

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Another Milestone

We completed 50% of Vicki's chemo this week. That's the good news. The not so good news is that her 4th chemo week will be the week before Christmas. It's sure to make her depressed and make it harder for her to enjoy the holiday. Still, I am determined that we will have a Merry Christmas.

This next week I'll be haunting the local mall looking for presents and surprises. Hopefully I'll be able to find nifty gifts to help cheer her up.

We also will be celebrating our 24th wedding anniversary the last Sunday before Christmas. Luckily it's before her next chemo, so she should be up for dinner out and maybe even a dance or two.

I've got the Thursday and Friday before Christmas off. That should allow me to look after her closely following her 4th chemo treatment.

Here's hoping that you and yours have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.