It takes a few days for me to bounce back and each time I bounce back it's a little slower than the time before. I held off on taking Marinol today because it makes me tired and I am tired of being tired. There were a couple of errands that only I could do that needed to be done(just one really, getting propane for the grill) and I gassed up the car as well while I was out. That was a major event for me.
We had some sad news this week. My wife's uncle Clint passed away earlier this week. They have a big family and it will take some time to get the whole family together. His service will be on Saturday the 23rd. Vicki has just one surviving Uncle now who lives in South Dakota.
As I said in last weeks post about my new normal, I have some writing from 10 years ago that I am adding to my posts.
Here's this weeks' contribution,
Life & Death
Love is such a powerful
force for good
or bad
I blush to think of what I’ve had
and wasted, trashed and thrown away
thinking there’s always another day
Friendship is so
wonderful and
Simple pleasures you can share
when someone fits into your life
is there in pain and bitter strife
Breath in the
Delights of
existence Grand
Rejoice in those who take a stand
to live as fully as they will
take the cup and drink their fill
For pain and suffering
will surely
It’s up to you to add the sum
of life’s sweet blessings into the mix
Knowing that fate will play its tricks
And stand and fight for all you can
Make the best of your maker’s plan
Live with Passion to your last breath
Your story’s told between life and death
There it is,
Hang in there,